This plant caused some confusion for a while after its introduction to California from Guatemala, Central America etc. It was called short urica for a while but in fact seed grew towards 2m high. In the end it was decided that it was only short because it was introduced as a plant that didn’t seem to want to get tall, but its offspring did, and it didn’t seem to be the same plant as urica.
When I introduced it to Australia from seed I separated it from urica by giving it the above name. It is a lovely purplish blue with “greggii” type flowers whereas urica has narrow tubular flowers of an indigo blue. Urica foliage smells horrible to me. I thought the name was related to urine but actually it is caterpillar!!!
It is a good back of the border type plant where it will add a blue touch for a long time.
It sets some seed and can also be grown by cutting.
Only 1 Blue Ribbon left at end of September 23 but may not be long before I get more.
Price: $9